Meet Meaghan Pier.  A UT graduate who brings a passion for real estate and design to KSA. She is high energy, team focused and thrives on the challenge of finding the perfect home. 

1. What do you love about Austin?

"I love the blend of old and new Austin. It is a vibrant and dynamic city and it's been incredible watching it grow since I arrived in the 90's.  There are things for everyone to enjoy - outdoor activities, cultural outings and of course the fabulous food options that never end. Now as a parent, I'm discovering the many offerings geared toward children. My family is having so much fun."

2. What are two of your favorite restaurants in town? 

"I'll go with an oldie but goodie and completely unique location, Hula Hut, and a new favorite, Emmer and Rye. We also found Café Malta,  a neighborhood restaurant that is fabulous every time we dine there."

3. Why are you passionate about real estate? 

"I am intrigued by the vision people have for real estate. Hearing a family talking about what they love about their new home and the memories they will make is incredible.  I'm fascinated with designers who see past what a home currently looks like and easily turn it into a better version of itself.  When someone gets a set of house keys their new adventure begins.  I love being a part of that."

4. Tell us about your family. 

"Steve and I met at work in 2001. We've been married for 7 years and have 2 kiddos, Oliver (4.5) and Caroline (3)."

5. What’s your perfect day in Austin? 

"It begins with a morning run with my husband and 2 kids on our favorite trail.  Then we have a relaxing afternoon and cook dinner at home for friends and family. Eating and laughing with a house full of people, kids running around, and a messy kitchen with all the dishes out is the best. After the food is cooked and enjoyed, we tidy it up to do again the next day. The perfect end is a quiet house and the sound of my dishwasher running. It doesn't get much better than that."

6. What’s something about you that might surprise people to know?

"I love playing ping pong. I have 3 brothers and we played all day long growing up. We were a competitive household. I also enjoy car shopping which isn't something most people put at the top of their list. I've even bought several cars for friends."

7. What’s a hobby you enjoy doing? 

"I love to travel. Seeing a different place and taking in the local flavor is so much fun. Meeting new friends and learning about their culture and what shapes them connects us to each other in such a meaningful way. My husband worked overseas for several years. We visited many international destinations. It was a gift. We made memories and had incredible experiences that I will always treasure." 

If you are interested in joining the KSA team, please contact us here.  We are currently hiring and we look forward to hearing from you.